Flow PHP



$_TSPEC  : mixed
$column_index_length  : int
Size of ColumnChunk's ColumnIndex, in bytes *.
$column_index_offset  : int
File offset of ColumnChunk's ColumnIndex *.
$crypto_metadata  : ColumnCryptoMetaData
Crypto metadata of encrypted columns *.
$encrypted_column_metadata  : string
Encrypted column metadata for this chunk *.
$file_offset  : int
Deprecated: Byte offset in file_path to the ColumnMetaData.
$file_path  : string
File where column data is stored. If not set, assumed to be same file as metadata. This path is relative to the current file.
$isValidate  : mixed
$meta_data  : ColumnMetaData
Column metadata for this chunk. Some writers may also replicate this at the location pointed to by file_path/file_offset.
$offset_index_length  : int
Size of ColumnChunk's OffsetIndex, in bytes *.
$offset_index_offset  : int
File offset of ColumnChunk's OffsetIndex *.


__construct()  : mixed
getName()  : mixed
read()  : mixed
write()  : mixed



public static mixed $_TSPEC = [1 => ['var' => 'file_path', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRING], 2 => ['var' => 'file_offset', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I64], 3 => ['var' => 'meta_data', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\ColumnMetaData'], 4 => ['var' => 'offset_index_offset', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I64], 5 => ['var' => 'offset_index_length', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 6 => ['var' => 'column_index_offset', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I64], 7 => ['var' => 'column_index_length', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 8 => ['var' => 'crypto_metadata', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\ColumnCryptoMetaData'], 9 => ['var' => 'encrypted_column_metadata', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRING]]


Size of ColumnChunk's ColumnIndex, in bytes *.

public int $column_index_length


File offset of ColumnChunk's ColumnIndex *.

public int $column_index_offset


Encrypted column metadata for this chunk *.

public string $encrypted_column_metadata


Deprecated: Byte offset in file_path to the ColumnMetaData.

public int $file_offset = 0

Past use of this field has been inconsistent, with some implementations using it to point to the ColumnMetaData and some using it to point to the first page in the column chunk. In many cases, the ColumnMetaData at this location is wrong. This field is now deprecated and should not be used. Writers should set this field to 0 if no ColumnMetaData has been written outside the footer.


File where column data is stored. If not set, assumed to be same file as metadata. This path is relative to the current file.

public string $file_path


Column metadata for this chunk. Some writers may also replicate this at the location pointed to by file_path/file_offset.

public ColumnMetaData $meta_data

Note: while marked as optional, this field is in fact required by most major Parquet implementations. As such, writers MUST populate this field.


Size of ColumnChunk's OffsetIndex, in bytes *.

public int $offset_index_length


File offset of ColumnChunk's OffsetIndex *.

public int $offset_index_offset



public __construct([mixed $vals = null ]) : mixed
$vals : mixed = null


public read(mixed $input) : mixed
$input : mixed


public write(mixed $output) : mixed
$output : mixed

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