Flow PHP


New page format allowing reading levels without decompressing the data Repetition and definition levels are uncompressed The remaining section containing the data is compressed if is_compressed is true.


$_TSPEC  : mixed
$definition_levels_byte_length  : int
Length of the definition levels.
$encoding  : int
Encoding used for data in this page *.
$is_compressed  : bool
Whether the values are compressed.
$isValidate  : mixed
$num_nulls  : int
Number of NULL values, in this data page.
$num_rows  : int
Number of rows in this data page. Every page must begin at a row boundary (repetition_level = 0): rows must **not** be split across page boundaries when using V2 data pages.
$num_values  : int
Number of values, including NULLs, in this data page. *.
$repetition_levels_byte_length  : int
Length of the repetition levels.
$statistics  : Statistics
Optional statistics for the data in this page *.


__construct()  : mixed
getName()  : mixed
read()  : mixed
write()  : mixed



public static mixed $_TSPEC = [1 => ['var' => 'num_values', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 2 => ['var' => 'num_nulls', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 3 => ['var' => 'num_rows', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 4 => ['var' => 'encoding', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\Encoding'], 5 => ['var' => 'definition_levels_byte_length', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 6 => ['var' => 'repetition_levels_byte_length', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 7 => ['var' => 'is_compressed', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::BOOL], 8 => ['var' => 'statistics', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\Statistics']]


Length of the definition levels.

public int $definition_levels_byte_length


Whether the values are compressed.

public bool $is_compressed = true

Which means the section of the page between definition_levels_byte_length + repetition_levels_byte_length + 1 and compressed_page_size (included) is compressed with the compression_codec. If missing it is considered compressed.


Number of NULL values, in this data page.

public int $num_nulls

Number of non-null = num_values - num_nulls which is also the number of values in the data section *.


Number of rows in this data page. Every page must begin at a row boundary (repetition_level = 0): rows must **not** be split across page boundaries when using V2 data pages.

public int $num_rows


Number of values, including NULLs, in this data page. *.

public int $num_values


Length of the repetition levels.

public int $repetition_levels_byte_length



public __construct([mixed $vals = null ]) : mixed
$vals : mixed = null


public write(mixed $output) : mixed
$output : mixed

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