Flow PHP


Description for file metadata.


$_TSPEC  : mixed
$column_orders  : array<string|int, ColumnOrder>
Sort order used for the min_value and max_value fields in the Statistics objects and the min_values and max_values fields in the ColumnIndex objects of each column in this file. Sort orders are listed in the order matching the columns in the schema. The indexes are not necessary the same though, because only leaf nodes of the schema are represented in the list of sort orders.
$created_by  : string
String for application that wrote this file. This should be in the format <Application> version <App Version> (build <App Build Hash>).
$encryption_algorithm  : EncryptionAlgorithm
Encryption algorithm. This field is set only in encrypted files with plaintext footer. Files with encrypted footer store algorithm id in FileCryptoMetaData structure.
$footer_signing_key_metadata  : string
Retrieval metadata of key used for signing the footer.
$isValidate  : mixed
$key_value_metadata  : array<string|int, KeyValue>
Optional key/value metadata *.
$num_rows  : int
Number of rows in this file *.
$row_groups  : array<string|int, RowGroup>
Row groups in this file *.
$schema  : array<string|int, SchemaElement>
Parquet schema for this file. This schema contains metadata for all the columns.
$version  : int
Version of this file *.


__construct()  : mixed
getName()  : mixed
read()  : mixed
write()  : mixed



public static mixed $_TSPEC = [1 => ['var' => 'version', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 2 => ['var' => 'schema', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::LST, 'etype' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'elem' => ['type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\SchemaElement']], 3 => ['var' => 'num_rows', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I64], 4 => ['var' => 'row_groups', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::LST, 'etype' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'elem' => ['type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\RowGroup']], 5 => ['var' => 'key_value_metadata', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::LST, 'etype' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'elem' => ['type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\KeyValue']], 6 => ['var' => 'created_by', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRING], 7 => ['var' => 'column_orders', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::LST, 'etype' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'elem' => ['type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\ColumnOrder']], 8 => ['var' => 'encryption_algorithm', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\EncryptionAlgorithm'], 9 => ['var' => 'footer_signing_key_metadata', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRING]]


Sort order used for the min_value and max_value fields in the Statistics objects and the min_values and max_values fields in the ColumnIndex objects of each column in this file. Sort orders are listed in the order matching the columns in the schema. The indexes are not necessary the same though, because only leaf nodes of the schema are represented in the list of sort orders.

public array<string|int, ColumnOrder> $column_orders

Without column_orders, the meaning of the min_value and max_value fields in the Statistics object and the ColumnIndex object is undefined. To ensure well-defined behaviour, if these fields are written to a Parquet file, column_orders must be written as well.

The obsolete min and max fields in the Statistics object are always sorted by signed comparison regardless of column_orders.


String for application that wrote this file. This should be in the format <Application> version <App Version> (build <App Build Hash>).

public string $created_by

e.g. impala version 1.0 (build 6cf94d29b2b7115df4de2c06e2ab4326d721eb55).


Encryption algorithm. This field is set only in encrypted files with plaintext footer. Files with encrypted footer store algorithm id in FileCryptoMetaData structure.

public EncryptionAlgorithm $encryption_algorithm

Retrieval metadata of key used for signing the footer.

public string $footer_signing_key_metadata

Used only in encrypted files with plaintext footer.


Optional key/value metadata *.

public array<string|int, KeyValue> $key_value_metadata


Number of rows in this file *.

public int $num_rows


Parquet schema for this file. This schema contains metadata for all the columns.

public array<string|int, SchemaElement> $schema

The schema is represented as a tree with a single root. The nodes of the tree are flattened to a list by doing a depth-first traversal. The column metadata contains the path in the schema for that column which can be used to map columns to nodes in the schema. The first element is the root *.



public __construct([mixed $vals = null ]) : mixed
$vals : mixed = null


public read(mixed $input) : mixed
$input : mixed


public write(mixed $output) : mixed
$output : mixed

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