Flow PHP


Represents a element inside a schema definition.

  • if it is a group (inner node) then type is undefined and num_children is defined
  • if it is a primitive type (leaf) then type is defined and num_children is undefined the nodes are listed in depth first traversal order.


$_TSPEC  : mixed
$converted_type  : int
DEPRECATED: When the schema is the result of a conversion from another model.
$field_id  : int
When the original schema supports field ids, this will save the original field id in the parquet schema.
$isValidate  : mixed
$logicalType  : LogicalType
The logical type of this SchemaElement.
$name  : string
Name of the field in the schema.
$num_children  : int
Nested fields. Since thrift does not support nested fields, the nesting is flattened to a single list by a depth-first traversal.
$precision  : int
$repetition_type  : int
repetition of the field. The root of the schema does not have a repetition_type.
$scale  : int
DEPRECATED: Used when this column contains decimal data.
$type  : int
Data type for this field. Not set if the current element is a non-leaf node.
$type_length  : int
If type is FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, this is the byte length of the values.


__construct()  : mixed
getName()  : mixed
read()  : mixed
write()  : mixed



public static mixed $_TSPEC = [1 => ['var' => 'type', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\Type'], 2 => ['var' => 'type_length', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 3 => ['var' => 'repetition_type', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\FieldRepetitionType'], 4 => ['var' => 'name', 'isRequired' => true, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRING], 5 => ['var' => 'num_children', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 6 => ['var' => 'converted_type', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\ConvertedType'], 7 => ['var' => 'scale', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 8 => ['var' => 'precision', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 9 => ['var' => 'field_id', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::I32], 10 => ['var' => 'logicalType', 'isRequired' => false, 'type' => \Thrift\Type\TType::STRUCT, 'class' => '\Flow\Parquet\Thrift\LogicalType']]


DEPRECATED: When the schema is the result of a conversion from another model.

public int $converted_type

Used to record the original type to help with cross conversion.

This is superseded by logicalType.


When the original schema supports field ids, this will save the original field id in the parquet schema.

public int $field_id


The logical type of this SchemaElement.

public LogicalType $logicalType

LogicalType replaces ConvertedType, but ConvertedType is still required for some logical types to ensure forward-compatibility in format v1.


Nested fields. Since thrift does not support nested fields, the nesting is flattened to a single list by a depth-first traversal.

public int $num_children

The children count is used to construct the nested relationship. This field is not set when the element is a primitive type.


repetition of the field. The root of the schema does not have a repetition_type.

public int $repetition_type

All other nodes must have one.


DEPRECATED: Used when this column contains decimal data.

public int $scale

See the DECIMAL converted type for more details.

This is superseded by using the DecimalType annotation in logicalType.


Data type for this field. Not set if the current element is a non-leaf node.

public int $type


If type is FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, this is the byte length of the values.

public int $type_length

Otherwise, if specified, this is the maximum bit length to store any of the values. (e.g. a low cardinality INT col could have this set to 3). Note that this is in the schema, and therefore fixed for the entire file.



public __construct([mixed $vals = null ]) : mixed
$vals : mixed = null


public read(mixed $input) : mixed
$input : mixed


public write(mixed $output) : mixed
$output : mixed

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