- AesGcmCtrV1
- AesGcmV1
- BloomFilterAlgorithm
- The algorithm used in Bloom filter. *.
- BloomFilterCompression
- BloomFilterHash
- The hash function used in Bloom filter. This function takes the hash of a column value
using plain encoding.
- BloomFilterHeader
- Bloom filter header is stored at beginning of Bloom filter data of each column
and followed by its bitset.
- BoundaryOrder
- Enum to annotate whether lists of min/max elements inside ColumnIndex
are ordered and if so, in which direction.
- BsonType
- Embedded BSON logical type annotation.
- ColumnChunk
- ColumnCryptoMetaData
- ColumnIndex
- Optional statistics for each data page in a ColumnChunk.
- ColumnMetaData
- Description for column metadata.
- ColumnOrder
- Union to specify the order used for the min_value and max_value fields for a
column. This union takes the role of an enhanced enum that allows rich
elements (which will be needed for a collation-based ordering in the future).
- CompressionCodec
- Supported compression algorithms.
- ConvertedType
- DEPRECATED: Common types used by frameworks(e.g. hive, pig) using parquet.
- DataPageHeader
- Data page header.
- DataPageHeaderV2
- New page format allowing reading levels without decompressing the data
Repetition and definition levels are uncompressed
The remaining section containing the data is compressed if is_compressed is true.
- DateType
- DecimalType
- Decimal logical type annotation.
- DictionaryPageHeader
- The dictionary page must be placed at the first position of the column chunk
if it is partly or completely dictionary encoded. At most one dictionary page
can be placed in a column chunk.
- Encoding
- Encodings supported by Parquet. Not all encodings are valid for all types. These
enums are also used to specify the encoding of definition and repetition levels.
- EncryptionAlgorithm
- EncryptionWithColumnKey
- EncryptionWithFooterKey
- EnumType
- FieldRepetitionType
- Representation of Schemas.
- FileCryptoMetaData
- Crypto metadata for files with encrypted footer *.
- FileMetaData
- Description for file metadata.
- Float16Type
- IndexPageHeader
- IntType
- Integer logical type annotation.
- JsonType
- Embedded JSON logical type annotation.
- KeyValue
- Wrapper struct to store key values.
- ListType
- LogicalType
- LogicalType annotations to replace ConvertedType.
- MapType
- MicroSeconds
- MilliSeconds
- Time units for logical types.
- NanoSeconds
- NullType
- Logical type to annotate a column that is always null.
- OffsetIndex
- Optional offsets for each data page in a ColumnChunk.
- PageEncodingStats
- statistics of a given page type and encoding.
- PageHeader
- PageLocation
- PageType
- Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.18.1).
- RowGroup
- SchemaElement
- Represents a element inside a schema definition.
- SizeStatistics
- A structure for capturing metadata for estimating the unencoded,
uncompressed size of data written. This is useful for readers to estimate
how much memory is needed to reconstruct data in their memory model and for
fine grained filter pushdown on nested structures (the histograms contained
in this structure can help determine the number of nulls at a particular
nesting level and maximum length of lists).
- SortingColumn
- Sort order within a RowGroup of a leaf column.
- SplitBlockAlgorithm
- Block-based algorithm type annotation. *.
- Statistics
- Statistics per row group and per page
All fields are optional.
- StringType
- Empty structs to use as logical type annotations.
- TimestampType
- Timestamp logical type annotation.
- TimeType
- Time logical type annotation.
- TimeUnit
- Type
- Types supported by Parquet. These types are intended to be used in combination
with the encodings to control the on disk storage format.
- TypeDefinedOrder
- Empty struct to signal the order defined by the physical or logical type.
- Uncompressed
- The compression used in the Bloom filter.
- UUIDType
- XxHash
- Hash strategy type annotation. xxHash is an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash
algorithm. It uses 64 bits version of xxHash.