flow php

ETL Adapter: Doctrine

Flow PHP's Adapter Doctrine is an adept library designed to seamlessly integrate Doctrine ORM within your ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) workflows. This adapter is crucial for developers seeking to effortlessly interact with databases using Doctrine ORM, ensuring a streamlined and reliable data transformation process. By harnessing the Adapter Doctrine library, developers can tap into a robust set of features engineered for precise database interaction through Doctrine ORM, simplifying complex data transformations and enhancing data processing efficiency. The Adapter Doctrine library encapsulates a rich set of functionalities, offering a streamlined API for managing database tasks, which is crucial in contemporary data processing and transformation scenarios. This library epitomizes Flow PHP's commitment to delivering versatile and efficient data processing solutions, making it an excellent choice for developers dealing with database operations in large-scale and data-intensive environments. With Flow PHP's Adapter Doctrine, managing database interactions within your ETL workflows becomes a more simplified and efficient endeavor, perfectly aligning with the robust and adaptable nature of the Flow PHP ecosystem.


composer require flow-php/etl-adapter-doctrine


Adapter for ETL using bulk operations from Doctrine Dbal Bulk.

Loader - DbalLoader

    ->write(new DbalLoader('your-table-name', $bulkSize = 100, ['url' => \getenv('PGSQL_DATABASE_URL')], ['skip_conflicts' => true]))

All supported types of DbalBulkLoader loading:

  • ::insert(Connection $connection, string $table, QueryFactory $queryFactory = null) : self
  • ::insertOrSkipOnConflict(Connection $connection, string $table, QueryFactory $queryFactory = null) : self
  • ::insertOrUpdateOnConstraintConflict(Connection $connection, string $table, string $constraint, QueryFactory $queryFactory = null) : self

The bulkSize means how many rows you want to push to a database in a single INSERT query. Each extracted rows set is going to be split before inserting data into the database.

Extractor - DbalQuery

This simple but powerful extractor let you extract data from a single or multiple parametrized queries.

Single Query

    ->read(DbalQueryExtractor::singleQuery($connection, "SELECT * FROM {$table} ORDER BY id"))

Single Parametrized Query

    ->read(DbalQueryExtractor::singleQuery($connection, "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id = :id", ['id' => 1]))

Multiple Parametrized Query

        new DbalQueryExtractor(
            "SELECT * FROM {$table} ORDER BY id LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset",
            new ParametersSet(
                ['limit' => 2, 'offset' => 0],
                ['limit' => 2, 'offset' => 2],
                ['limit' => 2, 'offset' => 4],
                ['limit' => 2, 'offset' => 6],
                ['limit' => 2, 'offset' => 8],

In this case, query will be executed exactly five times, taking every time next entry of parameters from ParametersSet.

Schema Converter

With to_dbal_schema_table() function we can convert any Flow Schema (which represents a dataset) to Doctrine DBAL Schema Table.

By providing metadata defined in \Flow\ETL\Adapter\Doctrine\DbalMetadata we can also add additional information to the schema, like length, primary key, index, precision, etc

use function Flow\ETL\DSL\bool_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\date_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\float_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\int_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\json_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\list_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\map_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\str_schema;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\type_integer;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\type_list;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\type_map;
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\type_string;

$flowSchema = schema(
    int_schema('int', nullable: false, metadata: DbalMetadata::primaryKey('pk_test')),
    str_schema('str', nullable: true, metadata: DbalMetadata::primaryKey('pk_test')),
    str_schema('str_with_length', true, DbalMetadata::length(255)),
    str_schema('str_unique', true, DbalMetadata::indexUnique('idx_str_unique')),
    date_schema('date', nullable: true, metadata: DbalMetadata::index('idx_date')),
    float_schema('float', nullable: true, metadata: DbalMetadata::precision(10)->merge(DbalMetadata::scale(2))),
    bool_schema('bool', nullable: true, metadata: DbalMetadata::default(true)),
    json_schema('json', nullable: true, metadata: DbalMetadata::platformOptions(['jsonb' => true])),
    list_schema('list', type_list(type_integer()), metadata: DbalMetadata::columnDefinition('integer[]')),
    map_schema('map', type_map(type_integer(), type_string()), metadata: DbalMetadata::comment('test comment!')),

Can be converted to Doctrine DBAL Schema Table like this:

use function Flow\ETL\Adapter\Doctrine\to_dbal_schema_table;

to_dbal_schema_table($flowSchema, 'test')

Will generate:

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table;

new Table(
        new Column('int', Type::getType('integer'), ['notnull' => true]),
        new Column('str', Type::getType('string'), ['notnull' => false]),
        new Column('str_with_length', Type::getType('string'), ['notnull' => false, 'length' => 255]),
        new Column('str_unique', Type::getType('string'), ['notnull' => false]),
        new Column('float', Type::getType('float'), ['notnull' => false, 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 2]),
        new Column('bool', Type::getType('boolean'), ['notnull' => false, 'default' => true]),
        new Column('json', Type::getType('json'), ['notnull' => false, 'platformOptions' => ['jsonb' => true]]),
        new Column('list', Type::getType('json'), ['notnull' => true, 'columnDefinition' => 'integer[]']),
        new Column('map', Type::getType('json'), ['notnull' => true, 'comment' => 'test comment!']),
        new Column('date', Type::getType('date_immutable'), ['notnull' => false]),
        new Index('pk_test', ['int', 'str'], true, true),
        new Index('idx_date', ['date'], false, false),
        new Index('idx_str_unique', ['str_unique'], true, false),

Schema Converter - Types Map

When types map is not provided, the default one will be used:

public const DEFAULT_TYPES = [
    StringType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\StringType::class,
    IntegerType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\IntegerType::class,
    FloatType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\FloatType::class,
    BooleanType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\BooleanType::class,
    DateType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\DateImmutableType::class,
    TimeType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\TimeImmutableType::class,
    DateTimeType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\DateTimeImmutableType::class,
    UuidType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\GuidType::class,
    JsonType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\JsonType::class,
    XMLType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\StringType::class,
    XMLElementType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\StringType::class,
    ListType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\JsonType::class,
    MapType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\JsonType::class,
    StructureType::class => \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\JsonType::class,


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