flow php


Joining two data frames is a common operation in data processing. It is used to combine data from two different sources into one data frame. The join operation is performed on a common column or columns between the two data frames.

Join Methods

  • DataFrame::crossJoin - join each row from the left side with each row on the right side creating count(left) * count(right) rows in total.
  • DataFrame::join - right side is static for each left Rows set.
  • DataFrame::joinEach - right side dynamically generated for each left Rows set.

Join Types

  • left
  • left_anti (keep in left only what does not exist in right)
  • right
  • inner



$externalProducts = [
    ['id' => 1, 'sku' => 'PRODUCT01'],
    ['id' => 2, 'sku' => 'PRODUCT02'],
    ['id' => 3, 'sku' => 'PRODUCT03'],

$internalProducts = [
    ['id' => 2, 'sku' => 'PRODUCT02'],
    ['id' => 3, 'sku' => 'PRODUCT03'],

 * DataFrame::join will perform joining having both dataframes in memory.
 * This means that if if the right side dataframe is big (as the left side usually will be a batch)
 * then it might become performance bottleneck.
 * In that case please look at DataFrame::joinEach.
        Expression::on(['id' => 'id']),


| id |       sku |
|  1 | PRODUCT01 |
1 rows


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