flow php

Nix - Development Environment

Nix is probably the easiest way of setting up the development environment.

Before you start please make sure you have Nix installed. If you don't have it installed, you can install it by following official documentation.

Nix installation instructions

Once you have Nix installed, you can start your development environment by going to the project folder and running following command:


If you are using Nix for the first time, it might take a while to download all the dependencies.

To achieve full isolation, use nix-shell --pure command. This way nix will isolate your development environment from the system.

That's all, after running this command you will have all the necessary tools and dependencies. Nix will create a new shell with all the necessary tools and dependencies for the project.

By default, we’re using Starship to provide a nice bash prompt. You can override it by creating /.nix/shell/starship.toml based on /.nix/shell/starship.toml.dist file.

Once you apply your modification you can run nix-shell again to apply changes.

To use the php version from nix inside your IDE please start a nix shell nix-shell and type:

type php

This should return you path to your php version that is used inside of the nix shell. It will look like this:

php is /nix/store/p2m5bamh01ncpwjxscdl11p2m9xy8aq6-php-with-extensions-8.2.27/bin/php


Nix shell comes with predefined php.ini, but if for any reason it wouldn't be enough for you, you can create your own php.ini file in path:


If that file is not present, the default php.ini.dist from the same location will be used.


  • pcov - required for code coverage

To skip installing pcov extension, you can run nix shell with --arg with-pco false flag:

nix-shell --arg with-pcov false

To configure pcov, you can create a file ./.nix/php/lib/pcov.ini with your xdebug configuration.


  • xdebug - required for debugging

To install xdebug extension, you can run nix shell with --arg with-xdebug true flag:

nix-shell --arg with-xdebug true

To configure xdebug, you can create a file ./.nix/php/lib/xdebug.ini with your xdebug configuration.


  • blackfire - required for profiling

To install blackfire extension, you can run nix shell with --arg with-blackfire true flag:

nix-shell --arg with-blackfire true

To configure blackfire, you can create a file ./.nix/php/lib/blackfire.ini with your blackfire configuration.

Changing PHP Versions

To change the PHP version, you can run nix shell with --arg php-version 8.3 flag:

nix-shell --arg php-version 8.3

In general, it's not recommended to change the PHP version, as development should always be done on the lowest supported PHP version.

This feature is mostly for testing new integrations or lowest/highest versions of dependencies.

Local Webserver

To run the local webserver for Flow Website development, please use Symfony CLI app that is also available in nix shell.

cd web/landing
symfony proxy:start
symfony server:start -d 

You can read more about it here:


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