join_on(Comparison|array $comparisons, string $join_prefix) : Expression
Read from various data sources.
Shape and optimize for your needs.
Store and secure in one of many available data sinks.
join_on(Comparison|array $comparisons, string $join_prefix) : Expression
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\{data_frame, from_array, join_on, to_stream};
use Flow\ETL\Join\{Join};
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$users = [
['id' => 1, 'name' => 'John'],
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Jane'],
['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Doe'],
['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Bruno'],
$emails = [
['id' => 2, 'email' => '[email protected]'],
['id' => 3, 'email' => '[email protected]'],
['id' => 4, 'email' => '[email protected]'],
join_on(['id' => 'id'], join_prefix: 'joined_'),
->write(to_stream(__DIR__ . '/output.txt', truncate: false))
use function Flow\ETL\DSL\{data_frame, df, equal, int_entry, join_on, row, rows, str_entry, to_stream};
use Flow\ETL\Join\Join;
use Flow\ETL\{DataFrame, DataFrameFactory, Extractor, FlowContext, Row, Rows};
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$apiExtractor = new class implements Extractor {
public function extract(FlowContext $context) : Generator
yield rows(
row(int_entry('id', 1), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT01')),
row(int_entry('id', 2), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT02')),
row(int_entry('id', 3), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT03'))
yield rows(
row(int_entry('id', 10_001), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT10_001')),
row(int_entry('id', 10_002), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT10_002')),
row(int_entry('id', 10_003), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT10_003'))
$dbDataFrameFactory = new class implements DataFrameFactory {
public function from(Rows $rows) : DataFrame
return df()->process($this->findRowsInDatabase($rows));
private function findRowsInDatabase(Rows $rows) : Rows
// Lets pretend there are 10k more entries in the DB
$rowsFromDb = \array_map(
static fn (int $id) : Row => row(int_entry('id', $id), str_entry('sku', 'PRODUCT' . $id)),
\range(1, 10_000)
return (new Rows(...$rowsFromDb))
// this would be a database SQL query in real life
->filter(fn (Row $row) => \in_array($row->valueOf('id'), $rows->reduceToArray('id'), true));
join_on(equal('id', 'id')), // by using compare_all() or compare_any(), more than one entry can be used to prepare the condition
->write(to_stream(__DIR__ . '/output.txt', truncate: false))