flow php

DSL stands for Domain Specific Language. In the case of Flow, the DSL is used to define simple functions that can be used to transform data. Most of those functions are initializing a new instance of a class under the hood since Flow is fully object-oriented. Please look at the examples below to get a better understanding of how to use the DSL functions.


 * @param array{url: string, apiKey: string} $config
 * @param array{q: string, limit: ?int, offset: ?int, attributesToRetrieve: ?array<string>, sort: ?array<string>} $params
from_meilisearch(array $config, array $params, string $index) : MeilisearchExtractor



 * @param array{url: string, apiKey: string, httpClient: ?ClientInterface} $config
to_meilisearch_bulk_index(array $config, string $index) : Loader
 * @param array{url: string, apiKey: string, httpClient: ?ClientInterface} $config
to_meilisearch_bulk_update(array $config, string $index) : Loader


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