* Extractor will automatically try to iterate over whole index using one of the two iteration methods:.
* - from/size
* - search_after
* Search after is selected when you provide define sort parameters in query, otherwise it will fallback to from/size.
* @param array{
* hosts?: array<string>,
* connectionParams?: array<mixed>,
* retries?: int,
* sniffOnStart?: boolean,
* sslCert?: array<string>,
* sslKey?: array<string>,
* sslVerification?: boolean|string,
* elasticMetaHeader?: boolean,
* includePortInHostHeader?: boolean
* } $config
* @param array<mixed> $parameters -
* @param ?array<mixed> $pit_params - when used extractor will create point in time to stabilize search results. Point in time is automatically closed when last element is extracted. - @deprecated use withPointInTime method instead
from_es(array $config, array $parameters, ?array $pit_params) : ElasticsearchExtractor