flow php

DSL stands for Domain Specific Language. In the case of Flow, the DSL is used to define simple functions that can be used to transform data. Most of those functions are initializing a new instance of a class under the hood since Flow is fully object-oriented. Please look at the examples below to get a better understanding of how to use the DSL functions.


 * @param class-string<\UnitEnum> $type
enum_schema(string $name, string $type, bool $nullable, ?Metadata $metadata) : Definition
float_schema(string $name, bool $nullable, int $precision, ?Metadata $metadata) : Definition
 * Alias for `int_schema`.
int_schema(string $name, bool $nullable, ?Metadata $metadata) : Definition
map_schema(string $name, MapType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : Definition
 * Alias for `string_schema`.
str_schema(string $name, bool $nullable, ?Metadata $metadata) : Definition
xml_schema(string $name, bool $nullable, ?Metadata $metadata) : Definition


 * @param class-string<\UnitEnum> $class
type_enum(string $class, bool $nullable) : EnumType
 * @param Type<mixed> $element
type_list(Type $element, bool $nullable) : ListType
 * @param Type<mixed> $value_type
type_map(StringType|IntegerType $key_type, Type $value_type, bool $nullable) : MapType
 * @param class-string $class
type_object(string $class, bool $nullable) : ObjectType
 * @param array<string, Type<mixed>> $elements
type_structure(array $elements, bool $nullable) : StructureType


boolean_entry(string $name, ?bool $value, ?BooleanType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : BooleanEntry
bool_entry(string $name, ?bool $value, ?BooleanType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : BooleanEntry
datetime_entry(string $name, DateTimeInterface|string|null $value, ?DateTimeType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : DateTimeEntry
date_entry(string $name, DateTimeInterface|string|null $value, ?DateType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : DateEntry
enum_entry(string $name, ?UnitEnum $enum, ?EnumType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : EnumEntry
float_entry(string $name, ?float $value, int $precision, ?FloatType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : FloatEntry
integer_entry(string $name, ?int $value, ?IntegerType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : IntegerEntry
int_entry(string $name, ?int $value, ?IntegerType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : IntegerEntry
json_entry(string $name, array|string|null $data, ?JsonType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : JsonEntry
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
json_object_entry(string $name, array|string|null $data, ?JsonType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : JsonEntry
 * @param list<mixed> $value
list_entry(string $name, ?array $value, ListType $type) : ListEntry
map_entry(string $name, ?array $value, MapType $mapType, ?Metadata $metadata) : MapEntry
 * This functions is an alias for creating string entry from null.
 * The main difference between using this function an simply str_entry with second argument null
 * is that this function will also keep a note in the metadata that type might not be final.
 * For example when we need to guess column type from rows because schema was not provided,
 * and given column in the first row is null, it might still change once we get to the second row.
 * That metadata is used to determine if string_entry was created from null or not.
 * By design flow assumes when guessing column type that null would be a string (the most flexible type).
null_entry(string $name, ?Metadata $metadata) : StringEntry
string_entry(string $name, ?string $value, ?StringType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : StringEntry
structure_entry(string $name, ?array $value, StructureType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : StructureEntry
struct_entry(string $name, ?array $value, StructureType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : StructureEntry
str_entry(string $name, ?string $value, ?StringType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : StringEntry
time_entry(string $name, DateInterval|string|null $value, ?TimeType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : TimeEntry
uuid_entry(string $name, Uuid|string|null $value, ?UuidType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : UuidEntry
xml_element_entry(string $name, DOMElement|string|null $value, ?XMLElementType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : XMLElementEntry
xml_entry(string $name, DOMDocument|string|null $value, ?XMLType $type, ?Metadata $metadata) : XMLEntry


 * @param array<array<mixed>>|array<mixed|string> $data
 * @param array<Partition>|Partitions $partitions
array_to_row(array $data, EntryFactory $entryFactory, Partitions|array $partitions, ?Schema $schema) : Row
 * @param array<array<mixed>>|array<mixed|string> $data
 * @param array<Partition>|Partitions $partitions
array_to_rows(array $data, EntryFactory $entryFactory, Partitions|array $partitions, ?Schema $schema) : Rows
 * An alias for `ref`.
col(string $entry) : EntryReference
 * @param array<class-string<Entry<mixed, mixed>>, int> $priorities
compare_entries_by_type(array $priorities, Order $order) : Comparator
 * Alias for data_frame() : Flow.
df(Config|ConfigBuilder|null $config) : Flow
 * @param Entry<mixed, mixed> ...$entries
entries(Entry $entries) : Entries
filesystem_cache(Path|string|null $cache_dir, Filesystem $filesystem, Serializer $serializer) : FilesystemCache
 * @param array<string|Type<mixed>> $types
 * @param mixed $value
is_type(array $types, ?mixed $value) : bool
join_on(Comparison|array $comparisons, string $join_prefix) : Expression
print_rows(Rows $rows, int|bool $truncate, ?Formatter $formatter) : string
random_string(ScalarFunction|int $length, RandomValueGenerator $generator) : RandomString
 * @param Entry<mixed, mixed> ...$entry
row(Entry $entry) : Row
 * @param array<mixed> $data
 * @return Entry<mixed, mixed>
to_entry(string $name, ?mixed $data, EntryFactory $entryFactory) : Entry


 * @param int<1, max> $chunk_size
chunks_from(Extractor $extractor, int $chunk_size) : ChunkExtractor
 * @param iterable $array
 * @param null|Schema $schema - @deprecated use withSchema() method instead
from_array(iterable $array, ?Schema $schema) : ArrayExtractor
 * @param string $id - cache id from which data will be extracted
 * @param null|Extractor $fallback_extractor - extractor that will be used when cache is empty - @deprecated use withFallbackExtractor() method instead
 * @param bool $clear - clear cache after extraction - @deprecated use withClearOnFinish() method instead
from_cache(string $id, ?Extractor $fallback_extractor, bool $clear) : CacheExtractor
from_sequence_date_period(string $entry_name, DateTimeInterface $start, DateInterval $interval, DateTimeInterface $end, int $options) : SequenceExtractor
from_sequence_number(string $entry_name, string|int|float $start, string|int|float $end, int|float $step) : SequenceExtractor


string_agg(EntryReference|string $ref, string $separator, ?SortOrder $sort) : StringAggregate


array_exists(ScalarFunction|array $ref, ScalarFunction|string $path) : ArrayPathExists
 * Expands each value into entry, if there are more than one value, multiple rows will be created.
 * Array keys are ignored, only values are used to create new rows.
 * Before:
 *   +--+-------------------+
 *   |id|              array|
 *   +--+-------------------+
 *   | 1|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}|
 *   +--+-------------------+
 * After:
 *   +--+--------+
 *   |id|expanded|
 *   +--+--------+
 *   | 1|       1|
 *   | 1|       2|
 *   | 1|       3|
 *   +--+--------+
array_expand(ScalarFunction $function, ArrayExpand $expand) : ArrayExpand
array_get(ScalarFunction $ref, ScalarFunction|string $path) : ArrayGet
array_key_rename(ScalarFunction $ref, ScalarFunction|string $path, ScalarFunction|string $newName) : ArrayKeyRename
array_merge(ScalarFunction|array $left, ScalarFunction|array $right) : ArrayMerge
array_reverse(ScalarFunction|array $function, ScalarFunction|bool $preserveKeys) : ArrayReverse
array_sort(ScalarFunction $function, ScalarFunction|Sort|null $sort_function, ScalarFunction|int|null $flags, ScalarFunction|bool $recursive) : ArraySort
 * Unpacks each element of an array into a new entry, using the array key as the entry name.
 * Before:
 * +--+-------------------+
 * |id|              array|
 * +--+-------------------+
 * | 1|{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}|
 * | 2|{"d":4,"e":5,"f":6}|
 * +--+-------------------+
 * After:
 * +--+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
 * |id|arr.b|arr.c|arr.d|arr.e|arr.f|
 * +--+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
 * | 1|    2|    3|     |     |     |
 * | 2|     |     |    4|    5|    6|
 * +--+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
array_unpack(ScalarFunction|array $array, ScalarFunction|array $skip_keys, ScalarFunction|string|null $entry_prefix) : ArrayUnpack
between(?mixed $value, ?mixed $lower_bound, ?mixed $upper_bound, ScalarFunction|Boundary $boundary) : Between
 * @param string|Type<mixed> $type
cast(?mixed $value, Type|string $type) : Cast
combine(ScalarFunction|array $keys, ScalarFunction|array $values) : Combine
 * Concat all values. If you want to concatenate values with separator use concat_ws function.
concat(ScalarFunction|string $functions) : Concat
 * Concat all values with separator.
concat_ws(ScalarFunction|string $functions) : ConcatWithSeparator
 * An alias for `ref`.
entry(string $entry) : EntryReference
hash(?mixed $value, Algorithm $algorithm) : Hash
now(DateTimeZone|ScalarFunction $time_zone) : Now
number_format(ScalarFunction|int|float $value, ScalarFunction|int $decimals, ScalarFunction|string $decimal_separator, ScalarFunction|string $thousands_separator) : NumberFormat
regex(ScalarFunction|string $pattern, ScalarFunction|string $subject, ScalarFunction|int $flags, ScalarFunction|int $offset) : Regex
regex_all(ScalarFunction|string $pattern, ScalarFunction|string $subject, ScalarFunction|int $flags, ScalarFunction|int $offset) : RegexAll
regex_match(ScalarFunction|string $pattern, ScalarFunction|string $subject, ScalarFunction|int $flags, ScalarFunction|int $offset) : RegexMatch
regex_match_all(ScalarFunction|string $pattern, ScalarFunction|string $subject, ScalarFunction|int $flags, ScalarFunction|int $offset) : RegexMatchAll
regex_replace(ScalarFunction|string $pattern, ScalarFunction|string $replacement, ScalarFunction|string $subject, ScalarFunction|int|null $limit) : RegexReplace
round(ScalarFunction|int|float $value, ScalarFunction|int $precision, ScalarFunction|int $mode) : Round
sanitize(ScalarFunction|string $value, ScalarFunction|string $placeholder, ScalarFunction|int|null $skipCharacters) : Sanitize
split(ScalarFunction|string $value, ScalarFunction|string $separator, ScalarFunction|int $limit) : Split
sprintf(ScalarFunction|string $format, ScalarFunction|string|int|float|null $args) : Sprintf
to_date(?mixed $ref, ScalarFunction|string $format, ScalarFunction|DateTimeZone $timeZone) : ToDate
to_date_time(?mixed $ref, ScalarFunction|string $format, ScalarFunction|DateTimeZone $timeZone) : ToDateTime
to_timezone(ScalarFunction|DateTimeInterface $value, ScalarFunction|DateTimeZone|string $timeZone) : ToTimeZone
uuid_v7(ScalarFunction|DateTimeInterface|null $value) : Uuid
when(?mixed $condition, ?mixed $then, ?mixed $else) : When



equal(Reference|string $left, Reference|string $right) : Equal
identical(Reference|string $left, Reference|string $right) : Identical


 * Advanced type casting mechanism.
 * Usage:
 * caster()->to(type_float(precision: 2))->value("1.1234") // 1.12
 * Options can be also passed to "to" function to override default options.
 * caster()->to(type_float(precision: 2), caster_options())->value("1.1234") // 1.12
caster(?Options $options) : Caster


 * Convert rows to an array and store them in passed array variable.
 * @param-out array<array<mixed>> $array
to_array(array $array) : ArrayLoader
to_branch(ScalarFunction $condition, Loader $loader) : BranchingLoader
to_output(int|bool $truncate, Output $output, Formatter $formatter, SchemaFormatter $schemaFormatter) : StreamLoader
to_stderr(int|bool $truncate, Output $output, Formatter $formatter, SchemaFormatter $schemaFormatter) : StreamLoader
to_stdout(int|bool $truncate, Output $output, Formatter $formatter, SchemaFormatter $schemaFormatter) : StreamLoader
to_stream(string $uri, int|bool $truncate, Output $output, string $mode, Formatter $formatter, SchemaFormatter $schemaFormatter) : StreamLoader


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